Sugar Plant

Governance, Communication & Reporting

Our mission to become the world’s most sustainable sugar company is championed and led by our Senior Executive Team. 

Our Governance, Communication and Reporting Approach

Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Engagement

Our approach to sustainability programming is science based and transparent.  Our governance mechanisms enable us to continually monitor and regularly report our progress in line with established standards. Where possible, we seek third-party validation for our governance mechanisms. Communicating our position in our sustainability journey is a priority and is done periodically in our sustainability report to internal and external stakeholders.

Sugar Plant


ASR Group is a privately owned organization. The company is led by a President, advised by an Executive Management Committee and answerable to a Board of Directors. The Executive Management Committee is composed of all key departmental and regional business leaders in the company.

Our Board of Directors includes:

Luis J. Fernandez   

Pepe Fanjul, Jr.  

Armando Tabernilla  

Alejandro Londono 

Sustainability programming falls under the responsibility of the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). Our CSO is a corporate officer and a seated member of the C-suite. The CSO reports directly to ASR Group’s President. Sustainability department matters are discussed at the Executive Management Committee meeting quarterly and with the Board of Directors when appropriate. The CSO’s primary staff consists of vice presidents or directors who focus on CSR policy oversite and compliance; Sustainability program management, data acquisition, and reporting; and other sustainability-focused special projects. In addition, the CSO and the Sustainability department staff have dotted line relationships across multiple departments to ensure multidisciplinary collaboration.

Business Ethics 

We have always been dedicated to conducting business in a lawful and ethical manner in all our operations.

We maintain comprehensive policies on numerous topics, and training is provided to employees. Topics include: Anti-corruption, Communication Whistleblower Programs, Anti-competitive Behavior, Child and Forced labor, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, Security Practices, Non-discrimination, and Environmental, Health, and Safety Awareness

Stakeholder Engagement 

We interact with a wide range of stakeholder groups – from employees to customers and NGOs, to local and international community groups.  We define stakeholders as those who affect and/or are affected by our business operations.

Our stakeholders hold us accountable, help us understand and overcome barriers to progress, identify opportunities for improvement, and create and share CSR and sustainability best practices.

Our customers are among our most important stakeholders. Through regular meetings, we are transparent and communicate our activities, to uphold our shared values.